There are dizzying number of static site generators. Excessive choice and paralysis by analysis are now part of the javascript ecosystem.
I've used the ruby-based generators (Middleman, Jekyll). I've also used content management solutions like Ghost, Wordpress, and the like. So far, Hexo is my absolute favorite static site generator. Here's why:
But the biggest merit of Hexo is that it lacks the demerits of other blogging solutions. Let me explain.
Ghost is OK. But it can be a pain to configure and deploy. Updating Ghost is not as straightforward as it could be. The CMS seems bloated for simply serving up static files. There are no plugins. What if you want to spin up a new website in 10 minutes? Ghost is not so quick to deploy and customize.
Middleman was fun. It uses yaml, whick is a plus. But the community is relively dead. Configuration is challenging (my personal bias - I'm not a ruby guy).
Gatsby is a static site generator built around React. React is sexy, no doubt. It fits with one's mental model of what a UI framework should be. But Gatsby seems like a prime example of overengineering at its finest. Why would I want to write JSX, only to have it compiled into html?
I'll assume that npm is intalled on your machine, but that's about it.
First, install the Hexo command line interface globally.
npm install hexo-cli -g
Now let's start a new project:
hexo init my-project
cd my-project
Your project structure will look something like:
Generate your static site with:
hexo generate
Your static files will be generated in the folder public.
If you poke around in source/_posts, you'll see that posts are marked files with frontmatter, e.g.:
date: 2017-07-10 22:50:35
- javascript
- hexo
- Development
Hexo 3 dissociated the server from the main node module. Therefore you need to install hexo-server:
npm install hexo-server --save
Start the server:
hexo server
Aside: you don't need to use the node server in production. Hexo generates static files in ./public that can be served up with nginx, Apache, etc.
Deploymnet options with Hexo are unlimited.
Install the heroku deployment plugin:
npm install hexo-deployer-heroku --save
Add these settings to _config.yml
Create a new heroku project:
cd my-project
heroku create
git remote -v ## confirm that the heroku remote was added
Now that you have a heroku repository url, add it to your _config.yml:
You can use this:
type: heroku
message: [message]
Finally, deploy your new Hexo project:
hexo generate --deploy # or what amounts to the same thing:
heroku deploy --generate
heroku deploy # deploy without generating
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